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March 19 RWB ChaChaCha – Results

March 21, 2022

Congratulations to John Cake and Jack Hartley for Low Gross of Field (72) and to Tom Pierson for Low Net of Field (65). The ChaChaCha winning score was 61. For more details, see Weekend Tournament Results

There were 78 players today. It was wetter than usual. Scores are not suitable for posting on GHIN.

Matthew Stutzenberger surveyed players regarding play on certain of the holes. Click on the link for the results: JPMGC-RedWhiteBlueTournament-Metrics-3-19-22

Pace of play

There was an interloping group between the first and second groups. Apparently, the interlopers started thirty minutes ahead of the tournament, took a break at the turn, and then resumed play after the first group had passed and in front of the second group. The interlopers were slow. No penalty is assessed to the second group, but all the remaining groups were in danger of being penalized because play was averaging over 4:30 hours. Three groups qualified for penalties, as indicated below in the spreadsheet. They were all over 4:30 and more than 15 minutes behind the group in front of them.

RWB ChaChaCha 3/19/2022
Group start time #18 total time gap at #18
9:00 9:00 13:02 4:02 NA
9:10 9:10 13:42 4:32 0:40
9:20 9:20 13:50 4:30 0:08
9:30 9:30 14:07 4:37 0:17 1 Stroke
9:40 9:40 14:15 4:35 0:08
9:50 9:51 14:21 4:30 0:06
10:00 10:01 14:32 4:31 0:11
10:10 10:14 14:42 4:28 0:10
10:20 10:23 14:51 4:28 0:09
10:30 10:32 15:05 4:33 0:14
10:40 10:42 15:22 4:40 0:17 1 Stroke
10:50 10:53 15:30 4:37 0:08
11:00 11:04 15:43 4:39 0:13
11:10 11:15 16:01 4:46 0:18 1 Stroke
11:20 11:24 16:12 4:48 0:11
11:30 11:34 16:18 4:44 0:06
11:40 11:45 16:33 4:48 0:15
11:50 11:54 16:44 4:50 0:11
12:00 12:03 16:53 4:50 0:09
12:10 12:13 17:04 4:51 0:11

Next up is the Spring Field Day honoring Lifetime Member John Clements on April 16.

The Annual Meeting and Banquet will follow the Spring Field Day tournament and be held at Jackson Park.

Details to follow.

Tournament Statistics

Payouts totaled $2,780. 76% of the field were in the money.

The club share was $908 and 33% of the total payout. The 78 players contributed $1,872.

60 players entered the honey pots and $600 were paid out.

Sent by Jackson Park Golf Course. Unsubscribe

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