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Spring 2024 Newsletter


President’s Posting
President's Posting: "New" Newsletter and Key Characteristics of JPMGC by Mark Ohrenschall President, Jackson Park Men's Golf Club Welcome to the first issue of the reinstituted Jackson Park Men's Golf Club newsletter. Longtime members may recall when the club produced regular newsletters, printed and mailed. Our purpose here is to offer an online summary of notable developments and other info about JPMGC and Jackson Park, to complement the many communications about our club competitions and...
Jackson Park Report
Jackson Park Report: A Year of Changes in 2024 by Bo Lewis  General Manager, Jackson Park Golf Course   Jackson Park has seen a lot of change already in 2024, and we hope it has served you and the JPMGC membership in a positive way. Starting in February as the new General Manager, I had the opportunity to evaluate customer comments, address facility needs and learn about our golf community with a fresh perspective. I was delighted to be welcomed by so many caring and considerate golfers,...
Club Competitions Update
JPMGC Match-Play Events Offer Many Playing Opportunities by Jeff Schoening Match Play Director, Jackson Park Men's Golf Club JPMGC currently offers six match-play tournaments each year. Five of them are championships: Gross, Net, Net Four-Ball, Senior Gross (55-plus), and Legends Net (70-plus). The sixth tournament is the Non-Championship Gross, which has a spring section and a summer section. The winner of the Gross Championship has until recently been considered THE club champion. With...
Upcoming Special Events
Upcoming Special Events for JPMGC: A Busy Summer JPMGC Co-Sponsoring June 8 Charity Event to Benefit First Tee of Greater Seattle Jackson Park Men's Golf Club, along with the Jackson Jills Golf Club, is co-sponsoring an inaugural charity event on Saturday, June 8, at Jackson Park to benefit First Tee of Greater Seattle. We invite you to play, sponsor, donate money and/or volunteer to support this special event. The 1st Annual Family and Friends Charity Classic is a two-person scramble for...
Rules Corner
Rules Corner: Key 2023 JPMGC Rules Decisions and Golf's Two Great Principles by the Jackson Park Men's Golf Club Rules Committee: Reid Swick, Jimmy Bucher, Dave Foreman, Reed Johnson, Ben Carpenter and Karl Meier This is the inaugural Rules Corner column for the reinstituted JPMGC newsletter; who knows how it will go!? The purpose of the column will be--at the risk of sounding obvious--popularizing and clarifying the Rules of Golf. Recapping recent history, here are our club's major rules...
Treasurer’s Note
JPMGC Finances Explained (Your Membership Dues Matter) by David Foreman Treasurer, Jackson Park Men's Golf Club Jackson Park Men's Golf Club is a non-profit corporation funded by membership dues and run on a voluntary basis by members of JPMGC. The corporation is run on a voluntary basis by members of JPMGC.  The corporation’s primary function is to be responsible for the accounting and proper administration of member funds. On occasion we get some nominal donations, but 99.99% of our...
Email Troubles
Email Troubles for JPMGC Emails? We Have Solutions … by Jeff Schoening Match Play Director, Jackson Park Men's Golf Club Are you not getting emails from the Jackson Park Men’s Golf Club? If you are not receiving club emails and you believe you should be, please contact us and we will help resolve the issue. For those interested, here are more details. There are several possible reasons you may not be receiving emails: (1) We have an incorrect email address for you; (2) Club emails are...