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Eleventh Jackson Park Men’s Golf Club Two-Day Jackson Classic

June 29, 2022

Scores have been posted on GHIN for both Saturday and Sunday.

This is the largest field ever for the Two-Day Jackson Classic. We had 71 players, 61 playing the blue tees and 10 the white. The first Two-Day Classic in 2012 had 17 players. Good to see the growth of this tournament. The payouts are recorded in various places in the Results on Golf Genius and can be seen in the Standings on the portal.

Saturday the pin placements were challenging, Sunday the greens played even faster with pins more accessible, and the heat was in the upper 80s both days.

Congratulations to Ryan Coghill (155), Gross Stroke Play Club Champion. He had tough competition from Kyle Miller (157), Dave Foreman and Darin Kudrna (160), past champion Ryan Gutierrez and Kevin MacFarlane (162), and past champion Daniel Lee (164).

Congratulations to Dave Foreman (160), Senior Gross Stroke Play Champion. His closest challengers were Doug Nugent (166), Thomas Thorson and past champion Jay Clark (168), and past champion Mark Ohrenschall (169).

Congratulations to Kurt Kiehn (171), Legacy Gross Stroke Play Champion. His closest challenger was past champion Reed Johnson (177).

Congratulations to Rick Nelson (141), Net Champion. His closest challengers were Greg Sifferman (146), Van Luu (147), Dave Foreman (148), and Kyle Miller (149).

Ryan and Dave, Gross and SR Gross Champs

No pace of play penalties today; all the groups were either under 4:30 or had a gap of less than 16 minutes. Penalties were waived for Saturday due to difficult pin placements and long rough under trees, which slowed play. Thank you to all of you who kept pace. Sunday’s times were outstanding given the time of the first group.

25-Jun 6/25/22
Group start time #18 total time gap at #18
8:00 8:00 12:20 4:20 NA
8:10 8:12 12:26 4:14 0:06
8:20 8:23 12:42 4:19 0:16
8:30 8:34 12:57 4:23 0:15
8:40 8:47 13:05 4:18 0:08
8:50 8:57 13:28 4:31 0:23 {2}
9:00 9:07 13:34 4:27 0:06
9:10 9:16 13:44 4:28 0:10
9:20 9:27 14:01 4:34 0:17 {1}
9:30 9:36 14:31 4:55 0:30 {2}
9:40 9:46 14:40 4:54 0:09
9:50 9:56 14:54 4:58 0:14
10:00 10:04 15:03 4:59 0:09
10:10 10:15 15:08 4:53 0:05
10:20 10:25 15:19 4:54 0:11
10:30 10:34 15:32 4:58 0:13
10:40 10:52 15:41 4:49 0:09
10:50 10:59 15:48 4:49 0:07
11:00 11:08 15:54 4:46 0:06
26-Jun 6/26/22
Group start time #18 total time gap at #18
8:00 8:03 12:23 4:20 NA
8:10 8:11 12:33 4:22 0:10
8:20 8:22 12:45 4:23 0:12
8:30 8:30 12:52 4:22 0:07
8:40 8:39 12:59 4:20 0:07
8:50 8:49 13:07 4:18 0:08
9:00 8:57 13:26 4:29 0:19
9:10 9:09 13:32 4:23 0:06
9:20 9:20 13:40 4:20 0:08
9:30 9:29 13:51 4:22 0:11
9:40 9:39 14:05 4:26 0:14
9:50 9:49 14:12 4:23 0:07
10:00 9:58 14:24 4:26 0:12
10:10 10:10 14:38 4:28 0:14
10:20 10:19 14:50 4:31 0:12
10:30 10:30 15:00 4:30 0:10
10:40 10:40 15:14 4:34 0:14
10:50 10:50 15:20 4:30 0:06

Summer Field Day on July 16 is the next Saturday tournament.

Tournament Statistics

Payouts totaled $5,166. 80% of the field were in the money.

The club share was $1,758 and 34% of the total payout.

The 71 players contributed $3,408.

49 players entered the honey pots and $970 were paid out.

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