April 24, 2017
Congratulations to Joe Zucker (74 / 70) and Jay Clark (81 / 64), Low Gross and Low Net of Field, respectively. They shot great scores in challenging conditions. We had a great turn out to celebrate John Clements Day. Thanks to Dan Puetz, Sr., Lee Jones, and Dick Rovig for organizing the festivities (photos below). Thanks to Jason Hart for running another fun tournament.
Scores 20170422 Spring Field Day
Gross Skins 20170422 Spring Field Day
Net Skins 20170422 Spring Field Day
Tee Sheet – 04 Spring Field Day
Wish I was playing.
Hopefully next month.
Looks like good weather.
Good luck to everyone.
Wish you were too Dennis! Be well and looking forward to your return to golf.
Reed Johnson
We all wish you a speedy return.
All the best, Dan Puetz